On January 29th, Chris' 30th birthday we got to bring him home from the hospital for the first time!
Chris is the best dad ever and jumped right in changing diapers...Brex never made this job easy!!

We are so lucky that Brex's gram is a professional photographer...we will never be lacking in creative pics!!

This is one of his first smiles...he used to be hard to crack but now he is a total flirt and smiles at everyone!
He is just starting to figure out how to splash in the water...for a while he would just sit there, his tummy lapping over, so content to let us scrub him with warm water. Rough life.
We decided to give him some watermelon on the 4th....He LOVED it!! He wouldn't stop eating it, so when we finally took it away we got to witness his first fit...
We have a side sleeper now!
Today was a big day for us...brex got to eat his first vegetable! Of course, he loved it! He has never been one to turn down food (obviously).