this was our cute leadership team this summer at the timbers (minus amy who was probably in the office working!). what a blessing these girls were to camp and to our family! love you girls:))

little man up at camp...loving every minute!
always loved getting time with his dad up at camp....

we went to lake austin for a little post-camp get away! His first time on the boat...it was more than he could handle!

first tube ride...didn't know what to think. Didn't laugh, didn't cry....

some of the wives went to columbus for retreat season orientation this year after camp and it was so fun to watch all of the kids play together!

brex and aaden sizing each other up...

brex, aaden and maddry. (not sure where tucker and riley were, but don't know that we could have gotten all 5 to stand there!

trying to get superman settled down and ready for bed one night!

another milestone we hit....we recently moved brex into a "big boy" room to get ready for this baby coming in october! we kind of created a twin size crib so the transition was great! He hasn't tried climbing out......yet.

we got this sonogram picture a few weeks ago of our sweet little boy/girl that we will be welcoming into the world october 23rd (or sooner we hope!)

brex got to go spend a weekend with ricky and gram and had a blast! they are trying to get some quality time in with him before they get 2 more grandkids soon!!

they took him to ride a train and to the zoo....looks like he had fun :)

such sweet times....we are so blessed and grateful for all of these memories we are able to make with our family!