our latest family pic my mom took...I love it! Brex- 2, Jet 4 1/2 months. How time flies!!
playing in the pond at Memaw's with Gram and cousin Vaughn
all snuggled up before going to play in the snow....for about 5 minutes. maybe 10! he was very unsure at first... he is definitely aTexan...never LOVED it.
I was running out of activities with all the snow and ice....so Brex and Levi played in our bath for almost an hour!!
Here is our little JJ...can't believe how big he is getting!
Brex had a little breakfast date with his friend Sadie :) Janie got the boys their first matching shirts for Valentines!!
Happy 2nd Birthday to our precious Brex!!! We are so proud of you and can't believe how quickly the time has gone!!! We praise God for your life every day. You are such a gift to us!
Helping mama make cupcakes...
why not have a cupcake for breakfast...yummy!
Birthday Lunch with buddy Levi
Hmm...Do I really get to eat all of this?
sharing with Daddy
football in the backyard after lunch, yes his shirt is off in January. Thank you East Texas!